Welcome to my blog site!


Well hello there! I am Devin Ward.

Short Version: I am a software engineer that really enjoys writing go and rust code. In my free time, you would catch me running, camping, or hiking. I also really like teaching and learning and general concepts around education. I strive to push myself towards growth and am a big thinker.

Longer Version: I grew up in a very rural town in Oklahoma about 10 minutes from Texas, Arkansas, and Louisiana. There were about 850 people in my hometown and I graduated with about 30. On the farm I lived on, we raised many animals. I then went on to get a degree in Math with a minor in CS at University of Oklahoma.

I got my first job writing software for energy companies to trade assets and evaluate risk. Since then, I have worked for a startup in the 3PL (third-party logistics) sector. My free time I use in software is focused on learning about complex distributed systems. My favorites so far have been implementing a database from scratch and a distributed messaging system.

The other bit of my free time is generally all used up running long distances or lifting weights. I have run 4 marathons now and I plan to continue to run many more.

If you read the long version, props to you and feel free to reach out to me.

My Blog’s Mission Statement

This blog acts as some kind of agile process (everybody’s favorite thing) on my growth and learning in the world of software development along with a place that I sporadically throw ideas into the ether/forever-saved-interwebs. These things have helped me at some point, so maybe they can help someone who reads them.


My ideas, opinions, and all of those things change. So if you disagree, I would love to hear from you; help me broaden my horizons.

Reach out to me on any of my socials:
